Australia Study Visa
Visa facility for overseas students over the years have been simplified and made flexible as different visas for different course types have been introduced. The cost of living differs depending on the life style but an official ruling by The Department of Immigration and Border Protection says that a single individual must possess 18,610 AU$ to receive a student visa. Australian government has taken concrete steps by legislating laws to protect interest of overseas students and they need not worry regarding the quality of education and their individual protection.
Australian government has instituted a database named Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) which maintains a database of education institutes that enrolls, recruits or teaches international students. In addition to this, The National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Oversees Students (also known as ‘The National Code’) and The Education Services for Oversees Students (ESOS) Act are examples of legislative frameworks promulgated to safeguard interests of international student studying in Australia.
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