Find part time work in Australia
Before you start looking for a job in Australia you need a resume. It is important that your resume is free of errors. So you can take the help of some one who is good english speaker to check for errors. Once you have a resume start looking for jobs
You can go to a local shopping centre or shopping strip and hand your résumé into stores. Ask the manager whether they have any positions available — if they don’t you can ask to leave your résumé with them to keep in mind for future vacancies. It is important that you wear nice clothes to make a good first impression.
You can search the ‘careers’ section on employer or industry websites to find vacancies. Many of these websites will allow you to apply online.
You can use an Australian job search website to search for part-time jobs in your area. The main job-search websites are Seek, MyCareer and Career One.
Your institution might also have a careers service that can put you in touch with employers or have a job search page on their website that lists available part-time jobs.
Your Employment rights in Australia
As an international student your study visa enables you to work 40 hours per fortnight during your semesters,which allows you to earn an income to cover your living expenses while still leaving plenty of time for your studies. During semester breaks you are allowed to work unlimited hours.You should open an Australian bank account To make the employment process as easy as possible,so that your employer can deposit your earnings in to your bank account. You should also apply for a Tax File Number (TFN) from the Australian Taxation Office to ensure that you are not taxed at a high rate (your employer will provide you with a TFN declaration or you can obtain one online.
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